1. ZIP (as in ZIP code)
- zero inaccuracy plan
- zonal identification protocol
- zombie incarnation - postal
- zone improvement plan
2. COVID-19
- coronavirus disease – 19th strain
- coronavirus disease - 2019
- coronavirus overlay identifier – 2019
- CDC overview defense – 2019
3. laser
- lateral sensor emitter
- latent sensor energy reduction
- light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation
- light amplification separator
4. ABC (as in liquor store)
- alcohol, beer, and cigarettes
- Anheuser Busch Coors
- already been caught
- alcoholic beverage control store
5. SR (as in SR-71, the jet, not the band)
-stealth ranger
- supersonic ranger
- star reacher
- strategic reconnaissance
6. ZZ (as in ZZ Top)
- zombie + zombie
- Zions of Zanzibar
- combination of ZZ Hill and BB King
- Zen zealots
7. CVS (as in the drug store)
- cosmopolitan vanity supply
- consumer value stores
- contemporary variety stores
- convenient vendor supply
8. M&M (the candy)
- milk & mocha
- mystery makeup
- Mars & Murrie
- mix & match
9. WD-40
- Waldeck-Dixon 1940
- weather defender – 40 ml
- water displacement – 40th formula
- wolfram (aka tungsten) dioxide – 40ppm
10. spam (as in the food)
- special army meat
- spiced ham
- salt, pork and mystery
- could be all of the above